Championing Young Carers at Dŵr y Felin Comprehensive: A Model of Support and Awareness
Dŵr y Felin is a comprehensive school in Neath Port Talbot
We have a member of staff designated to young carers, Sarah Powell. She is the point of contact for staff, pupils and the youth service when it comes to young carers.
She raises awareness and identify young carers, including a notice board will all relevant details of who to contact and any further outside services available.
Supporting staff
All staff members are aware of who to direct a potential young carer to. One of the ways we increase staff awareness is putting information about young carers on staff bulletins. There is also close liaison between Sarah Powell and Pastoral Engagement Officers.
Support offered to young carers
We have regular weekly meetings for young carers at our school, and staff members also allow drop in sessions during lunch and break times. Sarah Powell sends a list to specific staff who teach young carers to ensure they’re aware of who they are.
Young carers have the YCID cards, and they’re recognised at the school, but many feel that they don’t need them in school as they are already known to staff and supported.
Work with external agencies
We liaise closely with the Young Carer Youth Worker who is extremely supportive of the young carers. They attend meetings at least once a term and checks in with pupils regularly in youth club.
The youth worker has a good relationship with Sarah Powell, and they share any concerns they may have, and ensure the school is up to date with any changes that would affect young carers.
There is outside support for young carers via the youth worker, including wellbeing packages, and they go above and beyond to ensure that the wellbeing of all young carers at the school is looked after.