Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance Network

The Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance (SYCSA) is funded by the Scottish Government and is an informal network of young carers services across Scotland. The SYCSA is hosted by Carers Trust Scotland and is considered one of the National Carer Organisations, currently there are 51 members providing direct face to face support to young carers. The SYCSA meets regularly, which is currently a mixture of online and in person meetings. Services are able to discuss examples of local good practice for young carers, national pieces of work and policy development for young carers. The SYCSA is positioned centrally to support local young carer organisations, whilst also influencing the environment for young carers across Scotland.

We always welcome working in partnership with other organisations so as to ensure we are working together to support young carers and their families in Scotland.

The knowledge and experience of local young carers services allows us to have an insight into challenges young carers in Scotland face and through the resources within Carers Trust Scotland, continue to lobby for change at a national level.

At all SYCSA meetings, we welcome guest speakers from other organisations to discuss how we can all work together to support young carers. Being part of the SYCSA also allows services to:   

  • Be able to share knowledge and practice
  • Access peer support
  • Access information, training opportunities and meetings
  • Be consulted on issues affecting young carers/young carers services
  • Have their say through representation at a national level
  • Be supported to implement local and national strategies concerning young carers.

If you would be interested in joining the SYCSA or would like to know who your local young carer service is, or discuss working in partnership then please contact Lorna Gibson at or on 0300 772 7701

We have collaborated with young carers services within our SYCSA Network and the BBC L.A.B team to produce the below films: