How Peter was supported to gain qualifications
Peter is a carer who was supported to get the right qualifications by the Working for Carers programme in London.
About Peter
Peter joined the Working for Carers programme in September 2017, he is 34 and is the main carer for his mother who has diabetes and is a wheelchair user.
Peter used to work full time as a traffic marshall on a construction site in London. However, due to the increasing responsibilities of caring, Peter had to leave his job. But with the help of a paid care worker who helps him to look after his mother, he is now in a position to start looking for work.
How did Working for Carers help?
An employment personal adviser assessed Peter’s needs, and he was then given regular one-to-one support and continuous mentoring over the phone, helping him to improve his job searching confidence.
As Peter was interested in becoming a forward tipping dumper driver, his employment personal adviser researched relevant training. She also helped him with the application and registration process for a short course in order to get the professional qualification he needed, paid for by the Working for Carers programme.
What was the result?
The programme helps Peter keep aware of any job openings and supports him with applications and has also helped register him with construction employment agencies. At present, Peter is actively job searching with the hope that he can manage his caring role and a new job. Peter keeps in touch with his employment personal adviser on a regular basis to update her on his job searching progress.
"The Working for Carers programme made me realise that I have a hope to get a desired job in the construction field and the employment personal adviser’s help has been immense.”
Identities of carers have been changed in the interest of privacy.
About Working for Carers
Working for Carers ran between October 2016 and June 2023 and was funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund. The project supported unpaid carers in London to move into or closer to employment.