Our culture and values

Our values

  • We are Trusted

We work as a trusted partner working collaboratively and building genuine relationships with unpaid carers, Network Partners and supporters to deliver the services we say we will. We behave with integrity, transparency, and value everyone’s contribution to our work.

  • We are Inclusive

We recognise and set a value on listening to the experiences of as diverse a group of unpaid carers, network partners and supporters as possible in helping us to meet the needs of unpaid carers in new and exciting ways and to shape services that are truly inclusive.

  • We are Courageous

We speak up, challenge and act when we see an opportunity or when there is an injustice and want to enable unpaid carers, network partners and supporters to be bold, and seek out opportunities for us to work together to create effective change and suggest innovative ideas for improvements in what we do.

Equal opportunities and diversity

Carers Trust strives to be an equal opportunities employer and regularly monitors the diversity of its workforce.

In order to have accurate information about our performance in terms of the equality and diversity of our recruitment practice, applicants are asked to complete an equal opportunities form when applying for jobs at Carers Trust.

This information is separated from candidates application forms upon receipt. It is not part of the application and will not be used in any part of the selection process. Carers Trust has a clear policy in terms of challenging discriminatory practices.

We have run Equality and Diversity in Recruitment workshops for recruiting managers and all staff and new starters have or are undertaking online training in equality and diversity awareness.

Carers Trust continues to monitor where we advertise in order to increase our audience reach within diverse communities.