My Mental Health – Video and Toolkit

My Mental Health is a Carers Trust project which ran from Autumn 2017 to March 2021. It provided young carers, young adult carers and the staff who support them with the knowledge, confidence and opportunities to understand their mental health needs and campaign to bring about positive change.


Throughout the project, 281 young carers were involved in local and national campaigning activity. We brought together some of the young carers and young adult carers to discuss their achievements and what involvement meant to them. Using their testimony, we worked together to co-produce this video to show the importance of giving young and young adult carers a voice to campaign on issues that matter to them.


Please share the video through your networks so that it reaches as many young people as possible.


Breaking the Silence on Mental Health - a toolkit for young carer services. The toolkit hosts resources on how to empower young carers and young adult carers with knowledge and confidence so they have a voice and can take action.

This toolkit provides information, guidance and best practice on how to amplify the voices of young carers and young adult carers. It also provides further opportunities for young carers to make suggestions and input into support for their mental health.

There are examples of activity undertaken, successes of the project and top tips for youth participation. There is also feedback from young carers and young adult carers involved in the project about what it meant to them, as well as case studies featuring good practice and partnership working.

Explore the toolkit