What is the Triangle of Care?

The Triangle of Care is a therapeutic alliance between carers, service users and health professionals. It aims to promote safety and recovery and to sustain mental wellbeing by including and supporting carers.

There are an estimated seven million unpaid carers in the UK, 13% of whom support people with mental health conditions. These carers can provide vital insight into the treatment and condition of those they care for. Carers Trust’s Triangle of Care partnership plans to harness that knowledge in an alliance between unpaid carers, those receiving care, services and mental health professionals.

The Triangle of Care is based on six principles which health and care providers can use to include and support unpaid carers, staff and those receiving care.


The six key standards

  • Carers and the essential role they play are identified at first contact, or as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Staff are ‘carer aware’ and trained in carer engagement strategies.
  • Policy and practice protocols re: confidentiality and sharing information are in place.
  • Defined post(s) responsible for carers are in place.
  • A carer introduction to the service is available, with a relevant range of information across the care pathway.
  • A range of carer support services is available.

If you live or work in Scotland please follow this link: Supporting Carers of Mental Health | Carers Trust Scotland

For further information, or to make an application to join the scheme, please contact: triangleofcare@carers.org

The impact of Triangle of Care

Rebecca’s story shows that recognising carers as partners in care is a powerful start. As Rebecca says, “…the conversation changed my life.” 

Read Rebecca's story

"The Triangle of Care transformed the care of our carers...our ongoing commitment to the Triangle of Care ensures this continues to develop and evolve going forward, keeping carers at the heart of our delivery."

- Head of Carer and Relative Experience, Lincolnshire Partnership Trust

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