Talking about your caring role at work

Whether you decide to tell your employer you are a carer or not is up to you, but they may be able to offer extra support or have ideas about how to balance work and caring. They might even be a carer themselves. 

By telling your manager early on about your caring role they will be in a better position to support you should you need it. They are likely to be more understanding about taking time off at short notice and to attend appointments if they know the reason why. It is much better to have these conversations when you are not stressed about the person you care for.

"As a line manager it can be useful to know what my staff are dealing with outside of work. If they are upset, worried or feeling under pressure I like to know so that I can offer them the appropriate advice and support."


Tips for telling your employer you are a carer

  • Find a time that is convenient for you both. 
  • Make sure you both have plenty of time so the conversation is not rushed. 
  • Find a place that is quiet and private.
  • Before the meeting think about what you are willing to share with your employer. You do not need to talk about the condition of the person you care for but you can if you feel comfortable. 
  • Before the meeting think about how your caring role might sometimes affect your work, for example needing to take time off at short notice.
  • Think about some solutions for you and your employer to discuss.
  • Write down what you want to talk about so you don’t forget to raise them in the meeting. Write down what you both agree. Keep this as a record that you can refer back to. 

Date revised: 28/09/2018