Flexible working
If you are a carer, find out about flexible working as a way to balance your work life with caring (and your other commitments).
Flexible working could mean:
- Flexible starting and finishing hours.
- Compressed working hours (where you work full-time hours but over fewer days).
- Term-time working.
- Job share.
- Part time working.
- Working from home.
Who can ask for flexible working?
To check if you can apply for flexible working, visit Flexible working - what is it? on the Citizen’s Advice website.
The rules about who can ask for flexible working are different in Northern Ireland. Find about flexible working in Northern Ireland on nidirect.
How to ask for flexible working
If you want to ask for flexible working check your employment contract and talk to your HR team/officer about what options are available where you work. You can also find advice on Flexible working - planning what changes to ask for on Citizen’s Advice.
When you're ready to make the request, have a look at the Citizen's Advice information on Flexible working - how to make a request.
What happens to your application?
For more information visit after the application on Gov.uk.
Further information about flexible working
The ACAS website has help and advice for both employers and employees about the right to request flexible working. It also has a helpful video called the right to request flexible working arrangements:
Date revised: 28/09/2018