Free online courses for carers

You might find that studying online is easier to fit in around caring than a classroom based course. Have a look at these online courses, some of them are just for carers and many of them are free.

Physical activity for health and wellbeing in the caring role

This free course, endorsed by Carers Trust, is delivered by the Open University It gives an insight into the demands of caring  and looks at how taking part in physical activity can offer benefits to the health and wellbeing of unpaid carers. 

Courses to help you if you are caring for someone with dementia

There are courses specially for carers who look after someone with dementia, see online training for dementia carers.

Courses to help you build your confidence in caring

Your local carers services  may run sessions or groups that can build your confidence and help you cope with your caring role.

Caring for adults 

Caring for adults is an introductory course for anyone in a caring role, either paid or unpaid. It builds on what you already know to give you a better understanding of your role as a carer. It also supports your own wellbeing by giving you some ideas and information about looking after yourself and dealing with stress.

The course is delivered by OpenLearn and is free.

Find out more about the Caring for adults course on the OpenLearn website. 

This course is one of six free online courses from the Social Partnerships Network.

What about me? A personal development course for carers in Wales

This free course will help you to identify and reflect on your experiences, interests, skills and your future aspirations. 

Find out more on What about me? A personal development course for carers in Wales. 

The course is available in Welsh and English. It was developed by The Open University in Wales and Carers Trust Wales, and it includes case studies from carers sharing their experiences and reflections.

Digital courses - using computers, tablets, the internet, social media and mobile phones

  • Find lots of free courses on TechBoomers.
  • Learn My Way offers free online courses on using a computer, browsing the web, sending an email and finding work online.

Other online courses

  • OpenLearn and OpenLearn Cymru also offer lots of other free online courses on a wide range of subjects.
  • Learndirect offers a range of courses, including some free courses.
  • Future Learn offers free online courses from universities and specialist organisations. 
  • Vision2learn offers a range of free courses if you are 19 or over and live in England.

Date revised: 24/01/2022