Scottish Youth Parliament
Carers Trust Scotland supports two Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) who represent young carers and young adult carers, aged 12 – 25, across Scotland.
In 2021, Max Green and Maja Meldrum were democratically elected as your MSYPs for the 2022 – 2024 term.
Throughout their term, Max and Maja have consulted with their constituents on key issues, taken part in national campaigning activities, attended National Sittings and represented young carers' views at events.
SYP National Sittings
Our Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament attend National Sittings three times per year. These are weekend events where the entire membership come together to debate issues, vote on Motions and participate in committee workshops.
In July, Max attended the 79th National Sitting in Orkney. At this event, Max proposed a Motion which states:
"The Scottish Youth Parliament calls on the Scottish Government to ensure guidance teachers in Scotland receive Young Carer training to help identify and support young carers in secondary schools."
96% of the membership voted in favour which means this is now SYP policy! Over the next few months, Max will be working with our Education Officer to promote e-learning modules with staff and prioritising young carer notice boards in secondary schools.
Max also worked in partnership with WhoCares?Scotland MSYPs to deliver training. This training raised greater awareness of who young carers and care experienced young people are and how MSYPs should be supporting their constituents.
A huge well done to Max on these achievements!
2023 Elections
Young carers and young adult carers have voted Abbie Rough and Max Green as their MSYPs for the 2024 - 2026 term.
Abbie and Max will take on their new role on 1 February.
Get in touch
Max Green MSYP and Maja Meldrum MSYP are always looking to hear from their constituents. If you are a young carer or young adult carer, aged 12 – 25, you can reach them by email at and
If you would like to find out more about SYP, please contact our Youth Engagement Officer: or explore SYP’s website.