Scottish Young Carers Festival
The Scottish Young Carers Festival takes place every year and provides a chance for young carers to have a break from their caring role, meet other young carers, take part in consultation and most importantly, have fun.
Scottish Young Carers Festival 2023
On 1 – 3 August 2023, our Scottish Young Carers Festival returned bigger than ever!
young carers attended, from across 35 young carer services in Scotland.
felt they had opportunity to have their say on being a young carer.
invited guests attended, including the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing & Sport.
felt they had opportunity to have fun at the Scottish Young Carers Festival.
activities were available over the two days.
said they had a break from their caring responsibilities.
Alongside a packed a programme of activities, young carers shared their views and experiences in our Young Carer Consultation Zone. Our theme this year was ‘Support for the Future.’
As not everyone could come along to our in person event, for different reasons, our online Scottish Young Carers Festival is available for everyone to enjoy! Here, young carers are able to access a range of videos including crafting cool creatures and experience the Festival from home!
Scottish Young Carers Online Festival
Interested in volunteering at future Festivals? Check out the experiences of two previous Festival volunteers.
Media Ambassadors
In July, seven young carers, aged 16 – 18, participated in filmmaking training by a media skills company, Media Education. At this residential, young people learned how to use camera and sound equipment, practice interview techniques and plan the main themes of their films.
The Media Ambassadors then attended the Festival where they captured footage of the event and interviewed attendees for their final film. This included an interview with the Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Ms Maree Todd MSP.
The group launched their final films at the Carers Parliament on 8 November. Their four themes are:
- What is a Young Carer?
- Financial Support for Young Carers
- Transitions
- Mental Health Support for Young Carers
You can watch all four films on Carers Trust YouTube channel
View information about previous events: