Carers Trust offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with unpaid carers. To find a resource, please use the search options in the right hand column or search through the list below. If you have any queries about our resources, please contact
If you would like to reproduce all or part of any of the resources on this website please read our copyright guidelines.

Carers Trust Knowledge Hub
Carers Trust Network Partner local carer organisations can access our Knowledge Hub where you can find resources on best practice, innovation, and shared intelligence from other Network Partners.
Become a network partnerSupporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Young Carers Services. Tools to Support Young Carer Services with Limited Capacity to Signpost Schools to Young Carers in Schools
This step, taken from Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Young Carers Services, provides key information for young carers services who have limited capacity to signpost schools to Young Carers in Schools.
Carers and Hospital Discharge Toolkit for London Hospitals and Community Providers
This resource has been created as a toolkit for London hospitals and community providers and provides action-orientated ‘Top tips’ for good practice, aimed at improving outcomes for all carers through their hospital journey.
Time Away From Caring: Good Practice in Carer Breaks
Carers Trust developed this report and resources as part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, alongside Carers UK. The project, supported by the Department of Health and Social Care, looked at good practice in delivering carer breaks and using these good practice examples, in depth interviews with experts, developed Top Tips for commissioners and providers.
Factsheets for carers looking to get back into work or already in work
A series of factsheets for carers looking to get back into work and in work. They are aimed at carers in London but are also useful for carers across the UK.
Working With Further and Higher Education Providers: Top Tips
The Going Further, Going Higher project worked with four Carers Trust Network Partners across England to empower young adult carers with the skills and confidence to approach their colleges and universities to ask for recognition and support. This resource provides top tips when training young adult carer ambassadors and engaging with education providers.
Caring for Someone with Dementia/Gofalu am Rywun â Dementia
Caring for Someone with Dementia: A guide for family and friends is a comprehensive resource that brings together the practical information and emotional guidance that carers need to support their own well-being. Mae Gofalu am Rywun â Dementia: Canllaw i deuluoedd a ffrindiau yn adnodd cynhwysfawr sy’n cyfuno gwybodaeth ymarferol a chyfarwyddyd emosiynol sydd eu hangen ar ofalwyr i gefnogi eu llesiant eu hunain. Example text.
The Triangle of Care for Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services A Guide for Mental Health Professionals
Carers Trust has developed the Triangle of Care for Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYP MHS) as a supplementary guide to complement the Triangle of Care (Carers Trust, 2013) and to help mental health professionals in CYP MHS to be better able to identify, understand and support carers.
Triangle of Care Membership Scheme in England
The Triangle of Care membership scheme was developed by Carers Trust and is aimed at mental health providers. The Triangle of Care describes a therapeutic relationship between the patient, staff member and carer that promotes safety, supports communication and sustains wellbeing.
Good Practice Approaches to Supporting Carers in Wales
This document is designed to be used by Regional Partnership Boards, Local authorities, Local Health Boards and third sector organisations in Wales to support the identification and commissioning of good services for unpaid carers.
Menu of Questions for Carers Supporting People with Mental Health Problems
A set of suggested questions for carers to think about when meeting with members of mental health teams, either in-patient or community teams.