Carers Trust offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with unpaid carers. To find a resource, please use the search options in the right hand column or search through the list below. If you have any queries about our resources, please contact
If you would like to reproduce all or part of any of the resources on this website please read our copyright guidelines.

Carers Trust Knowledge Hub
Carers Trust Network Partner local carer organisations can access our Knowledge Hub where you can find resources on best practice, innovation, and shared intelligence from other Network Partners.
Become a network partnerTogether: A Whole Family Approach for Young Carers
Carers Trust Scotland is part of an Erasmus+ funded Together: A Whole Family Approach for Young Carers project, with partners based in Belgium, Germany, Greece and Italy. The project aims to raise awareness of young carers and to support them and their families.
West Dunbartonshire Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for West Dunbartonshire.
Young Carers in Education A Resource on Identifying and Supporting Young Carers in Education
Carers Trust Scotland's Young Carers in Education Toolkit accompanies our Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools.
Aberdeen City Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Aberdeen City.
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Angus Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Angus.
Argyll and Bute Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Argyll and Bute.
Dumfries and Galloway Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Dumfries and Galloway.
Dundee Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Dundee.
East Dunbartonshire Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for East Dunbartonshire.