Carers Trust offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with unpaid carers. To find a resource, please use the search options in the right hand column or search through the list below. If you have any queries about our resources, please contact
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Carers Trust Knowledge Hub
Carers Trust Network Partner local carer organisations can access our Knowledge Hub where you can find resources on best practice, innovation, and shared intelligence from other Network Partners.
Become a network partnerSouth Lanarkshire Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for South Lanarkshire.
Stirling Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Stirling.
Support not Sympathy
The results of a Carers Trust Wales survey into the impact of Coronavirus on young carers aged 12 to 17 and young adult carers aged 18 to 25 was published in July 2020. They point to a steep decline in the mental health and wellbeing of thousands of young people across Wales who provide unpaid care at home for family members or friends.
West Lothian Young Carers
Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for West Lothian.
Young Carers in Schools Guidance for Schools COVID-19 Recovery and Staff Briefing
This Young Carers in Schools resource helps school staff understand the challenges that young carers are experiencing during the COVID-19 crisis and offers practical guidance on how to support young carers. It is a pack which also includes a Staff Briefing for schools and a Top Tips written by young carers.
Triangle of Care for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Scotland Guide
Triangle of Care is a model which asserts that care is best delivered when a child/young person receiving input from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), professionals and carers share their expertise and experiences to ensure the best outcome for all.
Supporting Students with Caring Responsibilities in Further Education in Wales
A Wales-specific, user-friendly resource, this toolkit was developed in partnership with Learning and Work Institute to increase awareness of student carers and their specific needs, promote existing good practice from colleges and carers services and offering expert recommendations.
Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Initial Teacher Education Providers
This toolkit provides essential tools, templates and guidance for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers who already include young carers as a key topic within their training programmes and ITE providers who are developing their training content regarding young carers.
Commissioning for Carers
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) across England are under enormous pressure to meet financial targets and priority areas for improvements within the NHS. This guidance demonstrates how commissioning for carers can help CCGs deliver desired outcomes and make savings across health and social care.
Supporting Further Education Students with Caring Responsibilities
This resource enables further education colleges and services supporting young adult carers to gain insight into the challenges this group of students face and find practical tips, guidance and case studies to help staff establish and embed support for student carers.