Carers Trust offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with unpaid carers. To find a resource, please use the search options in the right hand column or search through the list below. If you have any queries about our resources, please contact
If you would like to reproduce all or part of any of the resources on this website please read our copyright guidelines.

Carers Trust Knowledge Hub
Carers Trust Network Partner local carer organisations can access our Knowledge Hub where you can find resources on best practice, innovation, and shared intelligence from other Network Partners.
Become a network partnerTraining resources to help with improving the identification and support of young carers
These resources are designed to support the training of a wide range of professionals and volunteers to identify and support young carers.
Triangle of Care Membership Scheme in England
The Triangle of Care membership scheme was developed by Carers Trust and is aimed at mental health providers. The Triangle of Care describes a therapeutic relationship between the patient, staff member and carer that promotes safety, supports communication and sustains wellbeing.
Young Carers in Schools Guidance for Schools COVID-19 Recovery and Staff Briefing
This Young Carers in Schools resource helps school staff understand the challenges that young carers are experiencing during the COVID-19 crisis and offers practical guidance on how to support young carers. It is a pack which also includes a Staff Briefing for schools and a Top Tips written by young carers.
Supporting Young Carers in Schools: A Toolkit for Initial Teacher Education Providers
This toolkit provides essential tools, templates and guidance for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers who already include young carers as a key topic within their training programmes and ITE providers who are developing their training content regarding young carers.
The Triangle of Care, Carers Included: A Guide to Best Practice for Dementia Care (England)
The Triangle of Care describes a therapeutic relationship between the person with dementia (patient), staff member and carer that promotes safety, supports communication and sustains wellbeing. This guide is aimed at acute hospital wards and services where a person with dementia may be admitted but their dementia is not the reason for their admission.
Supporting Higher Education Students with Caring Responsibilities
This resource enables universities and services supporting young adult carers to gain insight into the challenges this group of students face and find practical tips, guidance and case studies to help staff establish and embed support for student carers.
Time Away From Caring: Good Practice in Carer Breaks
Carers Trust developed this report and resources as part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, alongside Carers UK. The project, supported by the Department of Health and Social Care, looked at good practice in delivering carer breaks and using these good practice examples, in depth interviews with experts, developed Top Tips for commissioners and providers.
Factsheets for carers looking to get back into work or already in work
A series of factsheets for carers looking to get back into work and in work. They are aimed at carers in London but are also useful for carers across the UK.
Working for Carers 2019-2022 Evaluation Report 2
This interim report shares learning and recommendations from the evaluation of the Working for Carers project. Working for Carers supports unpaid carers and former carers, aged 25 and over and living in London, to move closer to employment.
No Longer Able to Care
This report highlights how older parent carers and ageing carers who face additional barriers to accessing services should be supported to prepare for a time when they are less able or unable to provide care. The report is accompanied by resources for commissioners, providers and front line staff to use in the development of support for carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.