Carers Trust offers a wide range of resources and information for anyone who works with unpaid carers. To find a resource, please use the search options in the right hand column or search through the list below. If you have any queries about our resources, please contact
If you would like to reproduce all or part of any of the resources on this website please read our copyright guidelines.

Carers Trust Knowledge Hub
Carers Trust Network Partner local carer organisations can access our Knowledge Hub where you can find resources on best practice, innovation, and shared intelligence from other Network Partners.
Become a network partnerAdult Unpaid Carer Wellbeing Toolkit
Caring for You is a toolkit for adult carers to use either individually, by support workers to carry out in sessions, or in peer-led support groups. The toolkit offers practical activities and tips to deal with specific emotions which can arise from having a caring role, as well as ideas on how to maintain a good overall wellbeing.
Carer Contingency Campaign Pack: Supporting Carers and Strengthening Local Care Systems
As part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the Carers Partnership worked with NHS England to create this Carer Contingency Campaign Pack. It is designed to help local carer organisations collaborate with local partners to implement Carer Contingency Plans in their communities.
Carers and Hospital Discharge Toolkit for London Hospitals and Community Providers
This resource has been created as a toolkit for London hospitals and community providers and provides action-orientated ‘Top tips’ for good practice, aimed at improving outcomes for all carers through their hospital journey.
Time Away From Caring: Good Practice in Carer Breaks
Carers Trust developed this report and resources as part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, alongside Carers UK. The project, supported by the Department of Health and Social Care, looked at good practice in delivering carer breaks and using these good practice examples, in depth interviews with experts, developed Top Tips for commissioners and providers.
Experiences of Unpaid Carers caring for someone with Dementia
Carers Trust Wales’ report, ‘Experiences of unpaid carers caring for someone with dementia’, draws on the contextually rich narratives of carers of people living with dementia. Individual interviews were conducted during the pandemic.
Profiadau gofalwyr di-dâl yn gofalu am rywun â dementia
Mae adroddiad Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru, ‘Profiadau gofalwyr di-dâl yn gofalu am rywun â dementia’, yn tynnu ar naratifau cyd-destunol gyfoethog gofalwyr pobl sy’n byw gyda dementia. Cynhaliwyd y cyfweliadau yn ystod y pandemig.
Research exploring experiences of unpaid carers from Black, Asian and minority Ethnic Communities
We carried out semi structured interviews with carers from diverse communities to begin to gain a richer understanding and to identify how some of these challenges can be addressed.
Social Prescribing Good Practice and Top Tips
These documents showcase good practice in Social Prescribing and interventions combatting loneliness amongst unpaid carers. They explore how local VCSE organisations and statutory partners have worked together to develop successful Social Prescribing and interventions aimed at combatting loneliness amongst unpaid carers.
Adroddiad: Gofalu Am Rywun Sy'n Byw  Dementia
Mae’n bleser gan Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru lansio’r adroddiad newydd “Adroddiad: Gofalu Am Rywun Sy'n Byw  Dementia”. Mae’r adroddiad hwn wedi’i ddatblygu fel rhan o’n prosiect i sicrhau bod mwy o ofalwyr hŷn yn cael eu nodi a’u cefnogi, mewn partneriaeth ag Age Cymru ac wedi’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Carers Week 2021 - Resources for GPs
Developed for Carers Week 2021, these resources for GPs and those working within primary healthcare settings aim to identify older carers at key points of contact. Although these resources were developed specifically for carers week, they can be used at any time to help carers, particularly older carers, to identify themselves to primary care professionals.