Time to be Heard: A Call for Support for Young Adult Carers
- Time to be Heard for Young Adult Carers: Bridging the Gap Young Adult Carers in Scotland
- Time to be Heard Wales: A Call for Better Support for Carers in Wales
- Time to be Heard Wales: A Call for Better Support for Carers in Wales (Welsh language)
- Time to be Heard: A Call for Recognition and Support for Young Adult Carers
Young adult carers are disadvantaged in their education, employment and wellbeing. These reports present evidence on the impact of caring unpaid for a family member or friend on the lives of young adult carers, using research carried out by the University of Nottingham. It represents the first large-scale survey of young adult carers aged 14-25. Reports cover England, Scotland and Wales.
Key points
Young adult carers:
- Miss or cut short multiple days of school, college, university or work each year because of their caring role.
- Have higher rates of poor mental and physical health than the average young person.
- Rarely receive the assessments they are entitled to, with only 22% of those surveyed receiving a formal assessment of their needs by the local authority.
These reports include recommendations for local and national policy-makers.