
Angus Young Carers

Resource title: Resources about Young Carers - Angus
Published: 2020    Author: Angus Council


Welcome to the new Digital Education Hub for all staff in Scotland working with young carers in schools. These resources are for Angus.

The Hub is broken down by local authority and you will find information provided by young carer services to help you identify and support young carers in schools. There is a range of resources such as school awards, lesson plans, presentations, e-modules as part of Continuing Professional Development training, schools charters and information on local young carer services.

There is also guidance, information and copies of Young Carer Statements. In April 2018, the Scottish Government launched the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, this means that young carers in Scotland have the right to a Young Carer Statement. If you identify a young carer in your class, or school, you should offer them the opportunity to have a Young Carer Statement prepared which will highlight any support needs they may have. Your local authority will be able to tell you who is leading on Young Carer Statements for your area. You can find further information about the statement in our jargon buster Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 – Jargon Buster for Young Carers.

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

The information in the Hub is to help you to identify and support young carers in your school. However, we would also recommend that you link in with your local young carers service who can provide further information and support for young carers.

For further information please contact us on or 0300 772 770.

Who is a young carer? 

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

Young carers tell us year on year that education is one of the biggest barriers they face, often with teachers not understanding their caring role. 

Identifying Young Carers

The Scottish Government recognises that there are at least 44,000 young carers in Scotland and 29,000 of them are under 16*. Further extensive survey work by young carers services and Carers Trust Scotland show that 1 in 10 children in a class has a caring role, however, the number of young carers recorded across schools in Scotland is significantly lower.

Education Scotland – National Improvement Hub

This resource provides information to help identify young carers and the services they provide. It also highlights the impact of caring. There are downloadable reference documents and links to key legislation, policy and guidance.

It is for Educational practitioners across all sectors of education with particular relevance to those in pastoral/pupil support and guidance roles.


Enquire provides advice and information about additional support for learning in Scotland, helping schools and families work together to ensure children get the right support. 

Enquire can: 

  • explain children’s rights to additional support for learning 
  • explain your responsibilities under additional support for learning legislation
  • provide advice to help you build good relationships with parents and carers of children with additional support needs. 
  • provide helpful guides and factsheets to share with parents and carers at your school meetings and events.

My Rights, My Say

In Scotland, all children have the right to have their views considered when decisions are being made about the support they get with their learning. Children with additional support needs aged 12 – 15 have rights to be more involved in the decisions that affect them.

My Rights, My Say supports children aged 12-15 to use these rights. It’s independent, confidential and easy to use, and here to make sure the voices of children with additional support needs are heard.

Young Scot – Young Carer Package

Young carers aged 11-18 across Scotland can now access a range of benefits and opportunities through Young Scot as part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to supporting young carers. The Young Carers Package includes free cinema tickets, a 12 month tastecard subscription for 50% off meals out, first aid training, and enhanced discounts for study guides, clothing, travel and more. 

Find out more about the Young Carer Package

Young Carer Grant

Young Carer Grant is a yearly payment of £300 for young carers who live in Scotland

A young carer can get the Young Carer Grant if all of these apply:

  • live in Scotland
  • aged 16, 17 or 18 years old
  • they have been caring for one or more people for around 16 hours a week, for the last 3 months. Caring can include supporting either the physical or mental health and wellbeing of someone (or both)
  • the person or people being cared for are on a qualifying benefit
  • they are not in receipt of Carer's Allowance

Find out more about the Young Carer Grant

Angus Resources