
Social Prescribing Good Practice and Top Tips

Published: 2022    Author: Carers Trust on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance

Carers Trust, as part of the Carers Partnership alongside Carers UK, in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, delivered a project looking at good practice in partnership working between local VCSE organisations and statutory partners in Social Prescribing and interventions aimed at combatting loneliness amongst unpaid carers.

These documents showcase good practice in Social Prescribing and interventions combatting loneliness amongst unpaid carers. They explore how local VCSE organisations and statutory partners have worked together to develop successful Social Prescribing and interventions aimed at combatting loneliness amongst unpaid carers.

They highlight:

  • current good practice in Social Prescribing and interventions that combat loneliness for carers.
  • good practice for ensuring Social Prescribing and other interventions serve communities who face additional barriers to accessing services – namely carers from the LGBTQ+ communities, and carers from ethnic minority communities.

Some of the good practice examples are delivered by specialist local carer support organisations, whilst others are provided by other VCSE organisations where unpaid carers are referred for support. What they have in common is delivering services that tackle loneliness amongst carers.

The good practice examples set out how different organisations have delivered Social Prescribing and interventions that combat loneliness to the communities they serve, including carers. Some are specifically aimed at unpaid carers, whilst others are delivered in a way to ensure that unpaid carers can access them and be supported in their caring role.

From these good practice examples, the Carers Partnership has developed Top Tips for Commissioners and Providers of Social Prescribing and interventions combatting loneliness document based on common factors underpinning good practice that can be replicated.

These aim to aid commissioners and providers who want to develop and enhance their Social Prescribing and interventions that combat loneliness offer.

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