Resources for Teaching Professionals to Support Young Carers in Schools and Colleges
- Young Carers - A Resource for Primary Schools
- Young Carers- A Resource for Secondary Schools
- Lesson resources for primary schools - English
- Lesson resources for secondary schools - English
- Emotional well-being of young carers
- Guidance on young carers for schools, colleges and governing bodies
- Linking with organisations that support young carers
- Young carer's rights
Carers Trust Wales was funded by Welsh Government to develop resources to support the identification, attainment, and well-being of pupils with caring responsibilities.
The suite of engaging and accessible resources for primary and secondary school includes lesson plans, and printable worksheets and factsheets. They have been developed to align with the Curriculum for Wales (Welsh Government, 2020).
About the resource
The resources were developed as part of a highly successful pilot of a ‘train the trainer’ programme for school-based carer champions that providing training and resources to participants.
Our bilingual resources have been developed in partnership with Wales’ education consortia (ERW, EAS, GwE and CSC) and in consultation with carers’ services, teaching professionals and Estyn HMI.
The resources link with numeracy, literacy and digital learning. They will also help support home-school links and outdoor learning. They have been designed to be flexible so that teachers can adapt instructions based on each learner’s ability but have been designed with learners in Year 3 and Year 9 in mind.
The suite of resources includes:
Lesson resources for primary and secondary schools
The thorough PowerPoint presentations include a suggested script for staff and activities, videos and case studies to use in class.
- Young carers: A resource for primary schools.
- Young carers: A resource for secondary schools.
Printable worksheets, lesson resources, activities, and games have been designed to meet learning outcomes within the ‘Health and Well-being’ strand of the Curriculum for Wales (Welsh Government, 2020).
- Lesson resources for primary schools.
- Lesson resources for secondary schools.
Factsheets for teachers and school/college staff
- Emotional well-being of young carers: A factsheet for teachers and school/college staff in Wales.
- Young carers’ rights: A factsheet for teachers and school/college staff in Wales.
- Linking with organisations that support young carers: A factsheet for teachers and school/college staff in Wales.
Factsheet for governing bodies in schools and colleges
A guidance paper for school governing bodies regarding how young carers can be embedded in Wales’ ambitious new curriculum, and outlining what positive approaches to including young carers might look like.
- Supporting young carers: Guidance on young carers for school and college governing bodies.
Email for more information.