
No Longer Able to Care

Resource title: No Longer Able to Care: Supporting older carers and ageing parent carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care
Published: 2020    Author: Carers Trust

This report - No Longer Able to Care: Supporting older carers and ageing parent carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care - highlights how older parent carers and ageing carers who face additional barriers to accessing services should be supported to prepare for a time when they are less able or unable to provide care. The report is accompanied by resources for carers, commissioners, providers and front line staff to use in the development of support for carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care. You can find these resources to download in the right hand column of this page.

Key points

  • Carers need support to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.
  • Carers need to be identified early and support put in place to enable them to plan for the future.
  • Carers who are from communities who face additional barriers to accessing services need services that are open and actively welcoming to them as well as the option of accessing specialist support if they need it.
  • National government, local authorities, the voluntary sector and service providers must all work together to ensure services are there to support carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.

About the resources

Carers Trust led on this Department of Health and Social Care commissioned project through the Health and Wellbeing Alliance. The project highlights how older parent carers and ageing carers from communities who face additional barriers to accessing services should be supported to prepare for a future when they are less able or unable to provide care.

Alongside the report, there are resources for carers, commissioners, providers and front line staff, to help in the development of support for carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care:

  • Tops Tips for Commissioners: Supporting older carers and ageing parent carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.
  • Top Tips for Front Line Staff: Supporting older carers and ageing parent carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.
  • Tops Tips for Providers Supporting Carers: Supporting older carers and ageing parent carers to plan for a future when they are less able or unable to care.
  • Top Tips for Carers: Thinking about the future.

We worked with eight Health and Wellbeing Alliance charity partners and the Department of Health and Social Care to develop the report and resources.