Cross Party Group on Unpaid Carers
Cross Party Group on Unpaid Carers
Carers Trust Scotland is the Secretariat for the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Unpaid Carers. We are responsible for the groups’ administration, membership, meetings and provide support to the Members of the Scottish Parliament Convenors.
Purpose of the group
To ensure equality of opportunity for unpaid carers in Scotland by liaising with local carers' organisations, lobbying the Scottish Government and promoting legislation on unpaid carers' behalf; to promote awareness amongst Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) of the needs of unpaid carers and former unpaid carers; to liaise with Members of both Houses at Westminster and the Welsh Assembly in order to share best practice; and to link with appropriate bodies, including local carers organisations, on an international basis.
MSP Members
For more information about the Cross Party Group on Unpaid Carers, please visit: Carers | Scottish Parliament Website or e-mail: