Policy, Research and Engagement


Funded by the Waterloo Foundation, Carers Trust Wales has developed an exciting programme of activities to engage meaningfully and innovatively with carers and professionals.


Listening to carers

We are committed to embedding carers voices in our work.

This year, we are focusing on understanding the needs for three specific groups of carers:

  • Carers of people with dementia
  • Carers from black and minority ethnicity groups

This will allow us to reflect on our practice and share notable practice across Wales to inspire and inform service improvement. We will co-produce resources and campaign on what carers tell us is most important to them.

Lunch and Learn briefings

In 2020 we will be holding four themed Lunch and Learn briefings to engage and inspire decision-makers and policymakers.

We will develop thought-leading, sector- leading policy, research and practice through these dynamic, vibrant and innovative events.

Events currently scheduled are:

  • Stories from across Wales – what are carers’ experiences of accessing social care (10 December). Watch on our YouTube channel. 
  • Supporting carers from ethnic minorities (Summer 2021). Booking will be launched soon.

You can keep in touch with our programme of events by following us on Twitter @carerstrustwal or by emailing Tim Banks at tbanks@carers.org

Dementia roundtables for professionals

This year we will lead three roundtables for health and social care professionals in north, south and mid Wales to champion the rights, needs and voices of unpaid carers who are supporting family members or friends with dementia.

We are sharing our new guide for carers of people with dementia, that includes information, support and further signposting for carers who need advice at a time which can be incredibly challenging.

We will also continue to strongly advocate for carers’ lives to be improved through the implementation of Welsh Government’s Dementia Action Plan for Wales.

Our policy, research and advisory group

We are committed to championing the role of high-quality, evidence-based research, in shaping policy and practice for carers in Wales.

Our advisory group, comprising respected, experienced, researchers from Welsh universities, the third sector, policy makers and decision makers, meet to work with us to guide, lead and create opportunities for carers in Wales.