Paid help at home
Getting more help at home may give you a chance to take a break from caring. When choosing a care provider there are a number of things to consider to ensure you, the person you care for and your family receive the best quality support.
Getting help from paid care support workers
You could get paid care support workers to help at home during the day, so you can do other activities; or overnight, so that you can get some sleep. They could help with preparing meals, getting the person you care for washed and dressed, or helping the person you care for to get out and about.
Ask your local council for a carer’s assessment (Adult Carer Support Plan in Scotland) as it looks at the support you need – this could include regular respite and carer breaks. Get in touch with your local council if you haven't had an assessment yet. They will also be able to advice you about ways to pay for the help you need.
Finding a service in England and Wales
Getting help from a Carers Trust quality assured service
In England and Wales Carers Trust quality assured carer services (known as Network Partners) provide care in the home where a paid, trained care support worker takes over the caring role. The needs of both the carer, the person they care for and the family are assessed and regularly reviewed to ensure the service is tailored to them all. Our services provide a range of wrap around support that gives complete peace of mind.
This service is available to carers of people of all ages, and with a range of disabilities and health conditions. This is a paid service.
Find your local Carers Trust care and carer services
"I have never looked back since finding my Carers Trust service. The staff all know Dad and he really enjoys his time with them. He has a team of care support workers, so everything is covered by people he knows, even when someone is off sick or on holiday."
Carer who cares for his dad with dementia
Getting help from another service
There are also other companies that supply paid care workers. Ask your local carer service for help with choosing one.
Finding a service in Scotland
In Scotland, you can get in touch with Crossroads Caring Scotland, who provide care in the home so that carers can take a break.
What should I look for when choosing a care provider?
When choosing a care provider, the initial conversations you have will be a good indication of your future relationship with them and how easy it will be to talk to them. Things to think about include:
The cost of paid care at home and what's covered.
Getting an annual review of your care support needs.
How to reassure yourself about the staff providing care support.
Personal assistants
The person you care for may want to directly employ a support worker or paid care support worker to help them live independently. These are called personal assistants.