Working with the Civil Service to help young adult carers go forward into employment
This week is Youth Employability Week. Carers Trust is celebrating by highlighting our partnerships with leading brands and employers to support young people with caring responsibilities onto the career ladder. Today we are focusing on Going Forward into Employment, a partnership with the Civil Service that is changing lives by offering pathways into employment for unpaid carers of all ages, including young adult carers.
Last year Carers Trust was thrilled to join up with the Civil Service to launch a groundbreaking new partnership with a dedicated programme for carers as part of the Civil Service's Going Forward into Employment scheme.
The partnership matches unpaid carers of all ages to roles right across the civil service in all parts of the UK. Roles are offered on a fixed term basis of 12-24 months with the possibility of jobs being made permanent.
Unpaid carers of any age face significant barriers when trying to find work. Older carers may have significant gaps on their CV, created by the need to give up work to care for a relative. Time away from work may also result in a loss of confidence.
Young adult carers looking to get on the career ladder face similar barriers. Many will have had their access to education and training limited by their need to care for a family member. All too often this means they are lacking the level of academic qualifications and training employers are looking for, despite the fact they have many qualities employers value, including multi-tasking and reliability.
Head of Operations at Going Forward into Employment, Lisa Jackson, said:
“Young Adult Carers have a huge amount to offer to any organisation, but they sometimes lack confidence or don’t see these transferable skills in themselves - it’s vital that we as employers help to highlight their strengths and abilities.
“Providing inclusive pathways to employment is a big part of that, and by partnering with the Carers Trust we’ve been able to reach out directly to Young Adult Carers with opportunities in the Civil Service. We’re excited to see where those first steps into careers with us will lead in the future!”
Find out more about Going Forward into Employment.
Read Charlotte’s story, an account of how one young adult carer is developing her career through a civil service placement thanks to Going Forward into Employment.
If you are a young adult carer and want to find out more about opportunities within the Civil Service or more widely, email: