Make sure you claim any benefits and credits to which you, and the person you care for, are entitled. Some carers can claim Carer's Allowance but there are other benefits that you may be able to get. There are benefits just for carers, some for people with a disability, and some to help you if you have a low income.
Benefits calculator
Our online benefits calculator (supplied by Turn2us) makes it easier to work out which benefits you might be able to claim, and how much you could receive.
Both you and the person you care for can use the benefits calculator as long you are over 18 and aren’t students. It is free to use and none of the information that you provide to Turn2us is shared.
Grants and discounts
You may be able to apply for extra money from grants or benevolent funds, or get money off your TV licence or car tax.
Carer's Allowance
You may be able to claim Carer's Allowance if you spend at least 35 hours a week caring.
Health and care costs
You, and/or the person you care for, may be able to get help with health costs such as prescriptions, eye tests, dental treatment as well as help with arranging and paying for care and support.
You may also be able to have more say in how the support you get is organised and paid for.
Benefits and money – where to get help and advice
There are lots of organisations that can give you help and advice around money and benefits. Some are specifically for carers while others can give advice to anyone.
Housing and heating costs
As an unpaid carer, you and the person you care for can get help with Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction, mortgage payments, heating your home and extra help from energy suppliers.
Carer's Credit
There are ways to ensure your pension is protected if you have had to give up employment so you can care for someone. These include National Insurance credits or Carer's Credit.
Emergency financial support
There is financial and other support available in emergencies. If you are struggling or in an urgent situation, find out what help you may be able to get.