Young adult carers and employment rights (England, Scotland and Wales)
In 2024, two new laws came into force which could help young adult carers to find and keep a job.
The Carer’s Leave Act 2023 and the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 allow people to ask to work flexibly from day one of employment.
The Carer’s Leave Act covers employees in England, Scotland and Wales. It gives anyone taking Carer’s Leave the same employment protections as for other forms of family-related leave.
For example, you will not be able to be dismissed from your job because you have taken time off to provide unpaid long-term care.
These new rights are added to the existing right to request time off in an emergency.
Once in work you will also have contractual rights set out in your contract of employment. In some cases, these will be better than the legal minimum.
For more information on your rights at work, you can ask your local carers organisation or, if you are a member, a trade union. Some larger employers also have a staff welfare service who may be able to give advice.