If you're a carer, taking a break is sometimes essential. Carer breaks, whether it's time away from your caring duties to get respite or a holiday with the person you care for, can provide a change of scenery that helps you feel better equipped to manage your caring role.
Respite care - subsidised or self-funded short breaks
How you pay for carer's respite depends on the type of respite you need and your personal circumstances. You may be able to get help, or you may need to pay for care yourself.
Sitting and befriending services
Some local carer services and charities offer a sitting or befriending service where a trained person stays with the person you care for while you go out.
Holidays for carers are a great way to recharge, whether you take time for yourself or bring along the person you care for.
How to arrange respite care
- Get in touch with your local carer service as they will be able to help you find out more about taking a break.
- Ask your local council for a carer’s assessment (Adult Carer Support Plan in Scotland) as it looks at the support you need – this could include regular respite and carer breaks. Get in touch with your local council if you haven't had an assessment yet. Find your local council here.
- Try talking to your family and friends and see if they can help by giving you a break.
- Find out about paying for respite for carers.
- Find out more about buying care at home, from a care support worker or a personal assistant.
Paid help at home
When choosing a care provider there are a number of things to consider to ensure you, the person you care for and your family receive the best quality support.
Care homes
There may come a time when the person you care for can no longer be looked after at home and may need to move permanently into a care home.
Help with tasks at home
You may be able to get help with tasks like cleaning or gardening, to make your caring role easier.