Use this election campaign to speak up for unpaid carers

If you work with, or support, unpaid carers you will know better than most the challenges facing those caring for family and friends every day. 

You will also know that the essential support services you provide to carers go largely unnoticed by politicians and policymakers. 

That’s why this General Election campaign is a rare chance to shine a light on the work you do, the needs of carers and the resources required to provide better support.

Here are some things you can do to ensure carers and their support services are not forgotten during the election campaign.

Write a letter to your local candidates

Use our simple guide to get the  attention of your candidates and ask them to speak up for carers.  It shouldn’t take you long, but it could make a big difference.

Guide to writing to candidates

If a candidate comes calling

You may get the chance to talk directly to candidates if they come calling. So it’s important to be ready with some questions you would like to ask about how they intend to show their support for unpaid carers.  To help you speak up for carers we’ve created a helpful reminder of the things that could make a big difference, download our candidate calling card and keep it handy.

Download our candidate calling card

Hosting a public meeting

Organisations can arrange to host a hustings. This is a public meeting where candidates are invited to set out how they would approach particular issues and take questions from the public.  If you work in a local carers centre,  it’s a chance for you to also invite carers you support  so they can take part.  For helpful information on arranging a husting please see our guide.

Guide to hustings

Making sure the carers you support and your colleagues are vote ready

Some of the people you work with and support may need information to help ensure they are able to vote in the upcoming election. For information on voter registration, postal votes and voter ID please see our guide.

Guide to voting

Rules around campaigning and political activity

We’re encouraging all our partners to get involved with this election by spotlighting unpaid carers and the services that support them.  The General Election is a great opportunity to make sure our voices are heard and charities need to make they’re all following the rules governing what they can and can’t do during this time. For information about these rules please see our guide.

Guidance on campaigning and political activity