Gaining experience

Apprenticeships, internships and volunteering are some of the ways carers can get work experience.


If you do an apprenticeship you will be employed and receive training to get a qualification.

You can do an apprenticeship in almost anything from construction, to veterinary nursing to catering. As well as the many choices available you should think about what you are good at, what you enjoy doing and what you would like to learn more about.

Read more about apprenticeships on 


Another way to gain new skills while earning is to do an internship. An internship is often a short-term role. They can be valuable in helping you to decide the sort of work you enjoy, what you are good at and to learn new things that you can include in future job applications. 

Download making internships work - an intern's guide on


Volunteering is a great way for you to meet new people and learn new skills.