Who can have a carer's assessment?
If you're a carer, get in touch with your local council if you would like a carer’s assessment or Adult Carer Support Plan (in Scotland). A carer's assessment is a chance to discuss your needs with your local council.
The rules about who can have a carer’s assessment or Adult Carer Support Plan vary depending on where you live.
If you live in England or Wales
If you live in England or Wales your local council should offer you a carer’s assessment if you appear to need support. This should happen even if you don’t ask for one. However, if you think you should have had a carer’s assessment, but you haven’t been offered one, contact your local council to find out what support you qualify for.
Find out more about carers’assessments in England on the NHS website.
Find out more about how care and support in Wales is changing on the Welsh Government website.
If you live in Scotland
If you live in Scotland, you will be offered an Adult Carer Support Plan. The best way to find out what happens in your local area is to get in touch with your local carer service.
Find your local carer service
If you live in Northern Ireland
If you live in Northern Ireland find out more about assessments for carers on nidirect.