Training and Events



Carers’ Rights Training for healthcare professionals: Invitation to free webinar (1 hr)

Sign up for our free webinars:
Thursday 29 September 10-11am (TEAMS)
Tuesday 25 October 9-10am (ZOOM)

Healthcare professionals have told us that they are not always confident about identifying who is and isn’t included in the definition of an unpaid carer, what kinds of care are included in the definition, what rights carers have, what support is available and how to find it.

We have created some short animations that explain about carers’ rights and where you can find out more about the support available to carers. There are also some handouts that you can keep as a handy reminder after watching the animation or print out for your office or noticeboard (there are full colour plus black & white versions for easy printing).

You can find the animations and handouts here:
Resources - Carers Trust

We are also running some free online training sessions for healthcare professionals, anyone who works in any role in any healthcare setting is welcome to attend. Sign up on the links above.

Or contact us at if you’d like us to run a free session for your organisation.


Co-producing with Carers in Health Settings: Invitation to free webinar 

Update: This training event has already taken place, but we have recordings / slides available and are still able to accept expressions of interest for pilot projects. For more details please contact

What is it about?

Co-production happens when professionals and service users come together to combine their professional and lived experience, to design solutions to intractable challenges in our services and our communities. It is a structured approach to achieving sustainable improvement through valuing the voice of the people we support, alongside that of our professional teams. 

We know that co-production still feels like a vague and risky undertaking for many, and is underutilised especially in the health sector; however we need to work to the legislative and strategic context in Wales, and involvement in co-production offers tangible benefits for both service users and professionals.

Through this ‘taster’ webinar, the Co-Production Network for Wales will help you develop your understanding of co-production, when it is relevant, and what benefits it can deliver. The webinar has been designed for those with minimal or no knowledge of co-production, to inform and engage, and to help answer the ‘is co-production for us?’ question.


See the visual minutes from our recent training.

See some examples of co-production with carers in health care settings.